February 19, 2012 - Day trips: Kenneth Lake and Head Creek
Once the stove was started (by someone else) I was able to crawl out of my comfy sleeping bag and get coffee started for the guys. It was also my turn to cook breakfast, scrambled eggs topped with white cheddar and green onions, bacon and an english muffin. Not bad for bush food.
By 9 AM we were ready to head out for bit of exploring. We thought we would make a short trip over to the small set of falls that comes down from Kenneth Lake. The sky was slightly cloudy with the sun trying to poke through here and there. As we snowshoed across the lake it got cloudier and some snow flurries started. The falls were completely iced up and didn’t offer any photography opportunities.
 Crisp morning air.
 The sun kept trying to poke through.
 Frozen over waterfall.
We debated what to do now that the falls were a bust. We noticed the tracks from yesterday’s skiers continued down the bay to the east of the camp site and wondered where they were heading, there is no route down that way. We soon discovered that they headed into the little bay a ways before following a ravine up and around to Kenneth Lake. Just for fun we thought we would follow their tracks. It was interesting going through the ravine, I don’t know how they managed on skis even going downhill as they were. Once we got to Kenneth we were pleasantly surprised with how nice a lake it was, there was even talk of making it a summer trip destination. As we walked toward the portage back down to Head Lake the sunshine grew in strength making it a nice day. By the time we got back to camp just past noon it was a bright and sunny day.
 Mark leading the way.
 Mike snowshoeing up the ravine.
 Kenneth Lake, top of waterfall to Head Lake.
 Length of Kenneth Lake.
 Sunshine wins out.
 View of hills on Head Lake.
Since we had such a nice fire pit already established we cooked up some more sausages for lunch. We relaxed in the sun on the lake near a large snow covered rock for about an hour taking pictures and messing around. But then we got restless and decided to take a walk across the north end of Head Lake to where Head Creek enters, checking out camp sites along the way.
 More sausages cooking on the fire.
 The well trodden path to the lake.
 Taking advantage of a rock wind break.
 Enough lounging around, let's go for a hike.
We walked up to the camp site on the north shore and discovered a Nuthatch singing away. He would fly from tree to tree but never stayed still long enough to get a decent picture.
 Nuthatch in flight - he was camera shy.
The Head Creek falls were open and offered much better photo ops, we walked down the creek a ways snapping pictures and enjoying the sunshine. Eventually we had enough of the creek and headed back towards camp, taking the long way.
 The entrance of Head Creek.
 Sun and snow covered rapids.
 A stretch of Head Creek.
 Mark and Mike heading back to camp at the end of the day.
I don’t have any pictures from the rest of the evening. As I recall Markus cooked up a pot of chilli for dinner and we went out on the lake when it was good and dark to watch the stars. The temperature was dropping fast and after 15 minutes in the cold I headed back to the hot tent.